They say that only brave people should love. Why? Because if you have the courage to put yourself out there without anything to shield you from the pain, to bear it all just to find your true mate then it's meant to be. Nobody knows for sure when it's going to happen or if it's going to happen. Hopeless romantics everywhere believe in finding their so called soul mates, their Mr. or Ms. Right. Some even believe in happy endings. Blame it on fairy tales. Others believe in love at first sight while others believe in destiny. Nobody knows which one will lead them to the love of their lives but for desperate people anything will do.
I took the plunge several months ago. If you ask me if I think he is my forever? That I am not 100 percent certain however, life is filled with uncertainties and there is nothing we can do about that. I boldly took the risk. It was a leap of faith. Most single people are uncertain about many things and often ask questions like "How will I know if he/she is the one for me?" or "Will we be together forever"? When honestly, the answer lies in you. No one can know if he or she is destined to be the one for you. Nobody can choose that person for you as well. You all have to rely on how you feel and what you think. You can't determine your life mate by simply weighing petty things. Such things take time to consider. As for the question of you being together forever, all I can say is maybe or for some people, is there such a thing?
Relationships are hard work and so are marriages. How can you expect to be with someone forever if you are not willing to build up your own forever?Why I am saying all these? I am not the Love Doctor or a person who can foresee things but I am a realist. I merely base my opinions on what I see and what I feel. I am not saying that you shouldn't follow your heart. You should because you feel strongly about something or someone however the brain is the highest organ in place because you should use it first instead of your heart. Better yet, use your brain and your heart hand and hand. As hard as it seems, it's possible. A harmony between two logics only to come up with a balanced reaction. Don't get me wrong; I am a romantic. I am just not the hopeless or delusional type. I have had love and lost. I have been scorned but got through it. I became suicidal and depressed. The heart may look like it's strong enough to withstand anything but it can break somehow too. I have witnessed people through their heartbreaks and I know that no matter how hard we shield our hearts from everything, our hearts will still feel the pain somehow.
Yes, there is magic in love but we can't always put our faith in simply something that we can't see. Magic happens instantly and it happens for a reason. Usually only the people involved feel it and see it and sadly, they are also the ones who feel and see the magic fading before their eyes. The truth hurts especially when you thought that you had something to live for forever but it shouldn't matter. It might hurt now but it shouldn't in the long run. We should learn to let things go and just keep moving on. For only when we learn to let go of the past, will we ever learn to live in the present and plan for the future. Love isn't about looking for the right person. Love is merely an undeniable feeling that people feel strongly towards the people that they care most about. So if you feel it towards those that you love the most, seize the moment and never let it pass you by. Life is short so why not share the love? Soul mate or no soul mate, give love to the person whom you know shall give love back to you. That's the simplest rule in love that I know...

So whoever said that love was easy. Love means you are brave enough to put yourself out there and do your best to be loved back. You do it all for the feeling that you need to be loved by someone. So, how do you know that by being brave enough will lead you to the one who should love you? Some have been mislead and lost while others have luckily been found. Nobody knows what fate lies ahead of you. It's all a leap of faith...

Everybody wants to be someone who can make others change for them but in reality, if you truly love a person then you will love that person from his/her good bits up to his/her worst bits. That's just the way love goes. Acceptance is one step to a good relationship. You can't always expect people to change for you. Sometimes you gotta learn to adapt and learn to adjust for them too.

I don't want LOVE to be just another mediocre thing that everyone has and doesn't give importance to. I want to have LOVE that is precious and hard to have. I want a LOVE that's valued and earned. I want a LOVE that is mine...

I want to do this no matter how hard it is so that I won't regret anything in the end. I just don't want to feel guilty in the end and most of all, I don't want to play the blame game...

Is there really a special person meant to be for every single one of us? How will we know? Should we just go on waiting or should we just let fate take it's course? I never did believe in soul mates or Mr. Right so why start believing in one now?
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