Just a thought. Facebook is a social networking site. It is a place where people can freely socialize and share their thoughts and feelings through their status updates or comments regardless if they are considered senseless, boring or simply irrelevant. Everybody's walls have different things in them, photos, videos and so on. We are all connected here so whatever I put out can be read by almost everyone depending on the privacy settings I have chosen. Unfortunately, not all people can or will be fond of what you put on your wall so I guess it is always better to be a responsible social network user. In my case, I just think that those who do not like what I put out here can say it to me directly rather than blatantly bashing or even indirectly speaking of what I have posted on their walls. Other than that they can always either unfriend me or unsubscribe to me so that they won't be seeing my posts here anymore. Fact is that this is my private wall and whatever happens here is totally my doing and my responsibility. Nobody has the right to tell you that you need to change something just because it displeases them. That's just bull!
Just like most of the people who use this website, I am into this because it is my way of communicating with people since most of the time I cannot go out and actually interact with most of them. Facebook has helped me find a way to keep in touch with the people that I haven't seen for a long time and have made me rekindle friendships that have long been forgotten. Now even contacting my friends and relatives that are so far away has been made possible through walls and private messages aside from the obvious chatboxes. Aside from that, the games in the said website have been rather entertaining although time consuming and totally addicting but it helps pass the time somehow when you need it. I guess Facebook is the ultimate social networking site of our day but apparently along with all this positivity comes a whole lot of negativity. Lately, I have been observing the posts that my friends have been logging on their accounts. Although I have been negative many times in the past, I have somehow found a way to just post positive things on FB to make me feel better and also to inspire others. It worked out for me but apparently for others it hasn't. I often ask myself and all the other people I know: "What's with all this hate?" FB is becoming a place to dumb all our anxieties, frustrations and at the same time bad energy. I honestly don't like that when I log on to the website and unfortunately, nobody would consider coming back to such a site if people will just end up being more stressed while browsing it. I mean come on people!
Dumping hate in such a place only creates more negativity and of course more hate. I have recently encountered two incidences wherein I have been "I don't know if they meant it or not but" I have been an easy target to this negativity. I am known for almost always updating my Facebook status and let's face it, it has become such an overwhelming trend. But unlike other people who post just about everything that they do in their status messages, I also sometimes put things that I have learned or realized in mine. In short, you won't be seeing my schedule for the whole day in my wall. But even if I am not like that, I do not ridicule the people who do it for they are free to share whatever they want. I can always just turn a blind eye to them if I want to rather than try to butt heads with them and say bad things about them online. That's just immature and something a disrespectful person would do. Point is respect begets respect but unfortunately even if I do not do bad things to others, others still do them unto to me which is heart breaking really. Just when I thought people can act like the civilized animals that we brag about that we are. Seeing and experiencing all these things just makes me wonder if sharing whatever it is within you is actually worth it. Maybe it isn't but the fact remains that when I do so, I somehow feel lighter. Facebook has become like a close confidante to me who will always put up with everything that I have to say.
The sad part is that some people are just classic bullies. I know this for a fact since I have experienced being bullied when I was younger. In just within two weeks, two people have incorporated my status messages on to their wall posts and even if they did not actually say my name as they tried to make a point of either ridiculing or badmouthing what I have done, written nor said, the fact remains that they cannot say that it is only a coincidence as to why my post was linked to theirs. There are so many people that use this website that the only time a lot of people end up having identical posts is when there is a national holiday/event, a global issue or perhaps a chain message post and then there is that slim chance that other people are experiencing almost the same thing that you are experiencing but the chances of them posting an identical thing online is just slim. With that being said, I do not think they can give an alibi that it wasn't meant for me but for someone else. I do not understand as to why they are attacking me for no reason at all. It was not like I said something bad about them. I was merely minding my own business and posting about something not related to anyone other than myself. What is happening to the world and to the people that live in it? Whatever happened to rising above the hate and just embracing peace and love? Facebook is turning into Hatebook and if we continue to do nothing about this then nothing is going to change. The situation will just continue getting worse and that my friends is what already happening in the outside world. Why should we let such a thing happen even in cyber space?
I cannot say that I am a model social networking site user but at least I have the decency somehow to not pick on someone who hasn't been doing anything bad to anyone. If we truly are free then we shouldn't be judged or we shouldn't pushed to conform with whatever everybody thinks is cool. So what if this is how I things on my wall? You have your own wall. Why don't you mind yours? Seriously for all the haters out there, I don't know what's your deal but you can all sod off and mind your own business. I am just pissed right now that people have the audacity to do something like this. So, cyber bullying is real and here I am fighting it. I am taking my stand against such a crime and I am making sure that such a thing won't happen to anyone else ever again. If you are a victim of cyber bullying, learn to get away from the cycle of negativity. Fighting fire with fire only makes it worse so learn to diffuse it with positivity. I am no longer going to confront people who I know would just end up denying the fact of what they did to me and God knows if they are still doing it to me but at least my conscience is clear. In the greater scheme of things, if I do not do anything bad against them then they will end up being the losers because I just showed them what a better person I am. Make sure to be proud enough to show them that and hopefully when they realize that they are fools to have picked on you, it will finally be like a solid slap in their faces or perhaps like a pail of icy cold water being splashed on their faces. I can be a bitch too if I choose to be but I only choose to be when it matters and when I need to be. Always remember to not stoop down to those who are not of your level. "Nuff Said.

I wish people would just let others be. Its not like anybody is picking on them for who they are and what they post online. I guess some people have way too much time in their hands that they feel the need to mind other people's businesses, status updates and even online posts. Get a life or better yet get a job! Get something else to keep you busy instead of focusing all your energy on something that you have no right working on in the first place. Sheesh!